Hairy Maclary keeps trying to skedaddle away only to be followed by the pittery pattery duck! Eventually Hairy Maclary realises that he can't shake off Zachary Quack and they curl up together for a doze in the sun! But everywhere he goes he's followed by an irrepressible yellow duckling, Zachary Quack, who wants to footle and frolic and play. Hairy Maclary is looking for some peace and quiet for his afternoon doze. He feels mischievous and mad and not only does he scamper away but all his friends - Bottomley Potts, Muffin McLay, Hercules Morse, Schnitzel von Krumm and the rest follow Galloping here, galloping there, rollicking, frolicking everywhere Hairy Maclary causes trouble again when he is simply not in the mood for the Kennel Club's Obedience Class. Has Hairy ever caused such mayhem? Thank goodness for Miss Plum, who once again steps in to save the day! After a rattling, roaring ride, and finding himself far from home, he desperately tries to get back to the Dairy - creating havoc and incurring the wrath of shopkeepers, schoolteachers and passers-by along the way. 'Stop this shemozzle, this hullabaloo! Scarper, skedaddle, be off with you - shoo!' When Hairy Maclary decides to snoop inside a parked delivery van, he's in for a madcap adventure. with a swoop and a flurry of black, he caught it and carried it all the way back! It's no problem for Hairy Maclary, though! Off he shoots to the rescue, chasing the hat high and low until. Poor Grandmother Pugh (a vision in blue) tries to hold on to her hat, but the wind whistles through it and blows it clean away. So he trots down to the park where, while enjoying a game of catch, he comes across a windblown wedding party. It's a blusterous, gusterous, dusterous day and Hairy Maclary is ready to play. Lynley lives with her husband and cat in New Zealand. She worked as a teacher before beginning to write her own books in 1974 and has published over twenty brilliant stories about Hairy Maclary, Slinky Malinki, Scarface Claw and lots of other memorable characters.

Lynley Dodd is New Zealand's bestselling children's author/illustrator and has an international following. Hairy Maclary & Friend 10 Books Children Collection Paperback By Lynley Dodd