
At the Mountain's Base by Traci Sorell
At the Mountain's Base by Traci Sorell

At the Mountain At the Mountain

She said the first wave of consolidations in the late 1800s and early 1900s came as a result of country schools banding together. Lang said Van Cleve, just like some communities in the West Marshall, East Marshall and GMG school districts, could not keep up with the educational and facilities needs required by the state for student success. That small town was eventually added to the Marshalltown School District and its local building closed. Lang said she grew up in Van Cleve, east of Melbourne.

At the Mountain

“There are pros and cons like there is in everything.” “The small town people, like we were … thought consolidation was probably not good for us because we would lose our school,” said 34-year Marshalltown Schools teacher and current Green Mountain-Garwin substitute teacher Julie Lang.

At the Mountain's Base by Traci Sorell