To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip. 1 - 6 (1988-1996) FREE Comics Download on CBR CBZ Format. If I can collect that informations myself I'll edit it into this post.Akira, Vol. If anyone has that information it would be appreciated. What I don't know and would like to know is which issues of the Epic series corresponds to the Epic trade paperbacks or what Epic issues correspond to the 6 black and white volumes by Dark Horse. The high grade copy of the last issue (#38) gets well over $100 on the second hand market.ĭark Horse Comics later released the series in 6 Black and White English Volumes (as they are collected in Japan). So the print run was lower every issue making the end of the series in color very rare. By the time those issues were published American interest in the title had declined and with some of the issues published years after the issues before. So the only way the full color version of the end of the story is available are in those last 7 issues by Epic.

The comics and trades by Epic are the only versions to date, in any language, that featured full color. The trade paperbacks and hardcovers only published the first 31 issues so there were 7 of the Epic issues that were not collected in book form. Epic Collected the English color run in 10 T rade Paperbacks (and industry term for collections of comics in book form) and those were collected in 5 Hardcover Volumes in a partnership between Epic and Graffiti Designs. There were 38 issues in the Epic run and color was added by Steve Oliff who was an early innovator in digital coloring. This was published in what is called prestige format (higher quality paper square bound and longer than a typical comic but shorter than a trade paperback or graphic novel). It was first published in English by Epic which was an imprint of Marvel Comics between 19. It was then collected in 6 Volumes by the publisher 株式会社講談社 ( Kodansha). The series was originally published in Japan in chapters in a magazine called 週刊ヤングマガジン ( Weekly Young Magazine), over the span of eight years. It's bit confusing regarding what Akira collections are out there and what collects what.